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Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1

Some friends are planning a party. I will visit your hometown. Fill In The Gaps With The Lihat Cara Penyelesaian Di Qanda 1 If I go out tonight I go to the cinema. Soal conditional sentence type 1 . Soal Latihan Conditional Sentence Type 1 1. Merubah kata kerja yang sesuai dengan rumus conditional sentence melengkapi kalimat conditional sentece dan soal kalimat. Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1 Beserta Jawaban Kumpulan soal conditional sentence part ii beserta kunci jawaban pada materi kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai conditional sentence. Namun sebelum masuk pada contoh soalnya masih ingat kah kalian dengan materinya. If Yumnawake up earlier shenot be late Miftah. Go ll go 2 If you get back late I be angry. I did not go with my parents five hours ago so I am alone right now. Conditional Sentence Type - 0. Jika saya belajar dengan giat saya akan lulus ujian. Soal pilihan ganda conditional sentence 1. Tania doesnt perform on the stage because she is il